Just look at this preciousness!! My time has been consumed with looking into those big eyes so I'm behind on blog posts, but better late than never!!

This sweetheart was born on September 30th 2022 at around 9:13 pm weighing 7lbs 5oz and measuring 20" long. He came into the world with the darkest and fullest head of hair!!

The boys met their baby brother two days later when we were cleared to go home.

JJ was so ready to be a big brother! There's no limit to the amount of kissies he has for Baby Finn! :-) Anytime he hears Baby Finn cry, he runs down the hall, lips puckered up into a fish kiss face 😘 and waits for us to let him kiss him on the forehead.

Finn is such an alert baby. He is so aware of everything going on in a room! From the moment he was born, he turned his head to see daddy or mommy talking - I was so surprised!

Today he turns one month and my goodness, that month went so fast! Love him so much and can't wait to see him grow and learn! :-)