This Christmas was a perfectly low key Christmas AT HOME!! :-) In years past we've enjoyed vacationing to visit extended family and I'm sure we will again in the future but there was just something extra special about staying home and having our own family traditions.

It felt like Christmas started on Saturday and lasted four days! :-) Saturday evening when Superman and I went on a date he pulled a tiny box out of his shirt pocket, handed it to me and said, "Oh! you have to put these on when we get in there!" It was a pair of gorgeous diamond earrings he had me look at in the store the previous week and I already knew I couldn't wait to put them on!! Seriously, felt like a kid on Christmas morning and was slightly embarrassed about it. lol!!
Sunday and Christmas Eve were both super busy with music performances but we still found time to open stockings, wrap gifts, make cookies for Santa and get everything ready for Christmas morning!!

Then Santa came!!!! Superman and I made breakfast and then woke the boys and all the magic happened!! :-) I loved how slowly they opened their gifts. They were so excited about each one they'd stop and play with it for a while before remembering there were more to open!! lol!
This year the theme in their letters to Santa was dinosaurs!! Their room is dinosaur themed and when our neighbor brought over toy magazines the boys circled all the new Jurassic World figures. Santa definitely delivered on those but he also surprised them with some toys they weren't expecting like Paw Patrol and PJ Masks.
One that Superman was particularly excited about was Marble Run... something we played with as kids. But it was a lot more difficult to built those towers than he remembered!! LOL!! We were all pitching in trying to help him keep his tower from collapsing :-P
Usually I have the tree down a day or two after Christmas but this time Kasen was so upset I mentioned taking it down! He asked for one more day. :-) Maybe we can take it down tomorrow. For some reason I just don't feel ready for the New Year unless the Christmas decor is down. SOON!!
Hope you had an amazing Christmas season with your loved ones!! <3