We were so anxious to get in the living room and start opening gifts with the boys this year! This was our first Christmas we decided not to travel and start our own family traditions. I don't think I've ever seen Brandon SO excited about Christmas! He was like a kid on Christmas Eve as I was cooking in the kitchen going, "Hey so what do you think about letting them open their BIG present tonight?!" Of course I said, "What?! No way!! Only stockings tonight!!" LOL!!

That's because their "big gift" was a motorized John Deere tractor and we knew they were going to be beside themselves when they realized it would go with just the push of a pedal!! So Christmas Eve was stockings and they each got little Toy Story figures (they're just discovering and loving Toy Story right now) some trucks and candy. Then on Christmas day they opened their smaller gifts and their big bags from Santa and then daddy brought out the BIG present!!

They were so surprised and I could see Kasen thinking about it all. He's been watching Christmas movies leading up to this and had just met Santa two days before so I think this year he's starting to get the idea. :-) Bryce was just ready to play with everything he opened! I loved it and I think his favorite toy besides all the blocks and trucks was the cash register!! We put batteries in it right away and he sat himself down, tuned everything out and just started pressing buttons! :-)

Brandon and I just wanted new phones this year! We did some early Christmas shopping for each other in Gatlinburg too but the phones were our big gift to each other! Lord knows I'd been having so many phone issues I was SO excited to be able to communicate with people and have a nice camera!! :-D He had been using an android for the past couple years so switching bach to an iPhone has been a treat for him too.

The best part of Christmas this year was being together. It sure is nice to have kids to treat though! ;-) When I think back on the wonderful Christmases in the past that's the main thing that was missing. Children believe in the magic of Christmas and that's such a beautiful, priceless thing to watch.
Keep Smiling! ;-)
Deanna L